Granting wishes to promote positive mental health.

Join us in bringing excitement and hope into the lives of teens and adolescents through magical fan-focused experiences, while providing crucial mental health resources to empower them to take charge of their mental well-being.

Music heals those who feel broken or lost.

We are building a platform to empower teens navigating a challenging time in their lives.

By partnering directly with today’s top musical icons and the biggest stars in the industry, we deliver unforgettable experiences to spread positivity and hope to the next generation of rockstars.

Mental health matters.

Our 2023 wish applications will be launching at the end of January 2023. We couldn’t do this without the help of our wonderful partners.

Empowering young music fans to “stay strong and keep rockin’ on.

We help teen fans in THREE distinct ways


We help teen fans in THREE distinct ways 〰️

  • Provide a moment of excitement and pure bliss for a fan, allowing them to feel truly connected to their musical heroes.

  • Ofer crucial mindfulness and mental health resources, all free of charge, to empower teens to take charge of their mental well-being.

  • Give them an unforgettable magical experience and memories to hold onto when all hope feels lost, reminding them that they matter.

“Being able to own merch from my favorite band, honestly made my entire year. I have the SUPERBANDS team to thank. To know that others like me can [get] their favorite things from their favorite artists is amazing!”

K, aged 18 (2021 wish recipient)

What if music fans could feel like a VIP every single day?

Through SUPERBANDS, we are giving fans the opportunity to feel truly connected to their heroes. Our packages include merchandise from today’s top talent and musicians, plus mindfulness and mental health resources - because after all, music saves lives.

Read more about us


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